Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameMichael Perry Stowell DICKEN, 2C1R
Birth5 Jul 1923, Cairo, Egypt
Death17 Aug 1943, Wentworth Shire, New South Wales Australia
BurialMildura, Victoria, Australia
OccupationPilot Officer, Royal Australian Air Force
MotherAlice Mary OGDEN (1885-1974)
Notes for Michael Perry Stowell DICKEN
UK Outward Passenger Lists
Departed Southampton, England October 7, 1924 on the Tambora, Rotterdam Lloyd Royal Mail Line destination Tangier, 1st class
Alice Mary Dicken, last address in UK Haeldene, New Chapel, Lingfield, Surrey, age 39
Christiena Susan Elizabeth Dicken, age 6.
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, age 1.
Hannah Davies, nurse, age 29.
Ethel Florence King, age 44.

UK Incoming Passenger Lists
Departed Tangier, Morocco on the Patria arrived Southampton July 2 1927, 1st class
Mr. Charles Vernon Dicken, age 45, assistant administrator
Mrs. Alice Mary Dicken, age 41
Christena Susan Elizabeth Dicken, age 9
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, age 4

UK Outward Passenger Lists
Departed Southampton, England on the Indrapoera September 23 1927 destination Tangier, Morocco, 1st class
Alice Mary Dicken, last address in the UK Alexander Hotel Queens Gardens, Lancaster Gate, London, age 42, married
Christina Susan Elizabeth Dicken, age 9.
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, age 4
Ethel Florence King, companion age 47
Cotton [no first name], nursery governess, age 22

UK Incoming Passenger lists
Departed Morocco on the Patria arrived August 30 1928, Southampton, England, 1st class
Mrs. Alice M. Dicken, 12 Trebover Road, Kensington,, age 35
Miss Susan C.E. Dicken, age 10
Boy Michael P.S. Dicken, age 5

UK Outward Passenger Lists
Departed Southampton, on the Tambora, October 19 1928, destination Tangier, Morocco, 1st class
Alice Mary Dicken, 12 Trebovir Road, Earl’s Court, S.W., age 42
Christina Susan Elizabeth Dicken, age 10
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, age 5
Ethel Florence King, age 40.

UK Incoming Passenger Lists
Departed Tangier, Morocco, on the Slamat, July 3 1929, destination Southampton 1st class
Mr. Charles Vernon Dicken, proposed address Embassy Hotel, London, Bayswater, assistant administrator Tangier zone, age 47
Mrs. Alice Mary Dicken, age 43
Miss Alice Susan Elizabeth Dicken, age 10
Mr. Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, age 6

UK Outward Passenger Lists
Departed Southampton, England September 20, 1929 on the Insulinde, Rotterdam Lloyd Royal Mail Line destination Tangier, 1st class
Charles Vernon Dicken, assistant administrator, age 48, last permanent residence a foreign country, intended future residence Morocco.
Alice Mary Dicken, age 43.
Christiena Susan Elizabeth Dicken, age 11.
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, age 6
Ethel Florence King, age 48.

UK Outward Passenger Lists
Departed Southampton December 23 1933, on the Slamat, destination Tangier, Morocco, 1st class
Alice Mary Dicken, Woodfield, Pages Lane, Bexhill, age 47.
Christiena Susan Eliabeth Dicken, school girl, age 15
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, school boy, age 10

UK Incoming Passenger Lists
Departed Tangier, Morocco on the Strathaird, arrived, London, England, February 7 1936, 1st class
Michael Dicken, Normandale School,, Bexhill-on-Sea, student, age 12

UK Outward Passenger Lists
Departed London England July 31 1936 on the Rapura destination Tangier Morocco, 1st class
Charles Dicken, age 54, Montague Hotel, Montague Street Russell SW London, assistant administrator
Alice Dicken age 50
Christina Dicken, age 17
Michael Dicken, age 13, scholar

Australia WWII Military Service Records
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken
Born July 5 1923, Cairo, Egypt
Enlisted Melbourne
Service Number 419115
Next of kin, Charles Dicken
Series Description, RAAF Officers

UK Commonwealth War Graves
Mildura Public Cemetery, Victoria, Australia
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken, Pilot Officer 419115 17 August 1943. Age 20. Son of Charles Vernon Dicken C.B.E. and Alice Mary Dicken, of Patiala, India, Olot C. Row A. Grave 10

England, Andrews Newspaper Index Cards
Dicken. - In loving memory of Michael, Pilot Officer M. P. S. Dicken, Royal Australian Air Force, killed August 17, 1943 on his 29th birthday. [The 29th birthday must be a misprint as he would be 19. Also being born on August 17 differs from other documents.]
In the high Court of Justice Probate Divorce and Admiralty Division (Probate) in the Estate of Michael Perry Stowell Dicken Deceased. Notice is hereby given that after the exspiration of eight days after publication hereof application will be made in the Principal Probate Registry of the High Court of Justice for the Resealing of the Probate of the Will of Michael Perry Stowell Dicken late of Melbourne in the State of Victoria, Pilot Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force, deceased, granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales at Sydney on the 28th day of August 1946 etc.

National Probate Calendar
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken of Melbourne Victoria Australia died 17 August 1943 on war service Probate Sydney to Robert George Priddle solicitor. Effects 341 pounds in England. Sealed London 20 August 1947
Pilot Officer Michael Perry Stowell Dicken VVeteran
Birth 5 Jul 1923, Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
Death 17 Aug 1943 (aged 20), Gol Gol, Wentworth Shire, New South Wales, Australia
Burial Nichols Point Cemetery
Nichols Point, Mildura Rural City, Victoria, Australia
Plot Plot C. Row A. Grave 10.
Memorial ID 89313787
Royal Australian Air Force Rank Pilot Officer 419115
Posting on Death: 2 Operational Training Unit, he died following a flying accident at Gol Gol,

He is commemorated on the Roll of Honour in Tangier Morocco , also his name is located at panel 112 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial (as indicated by the poppy on the plan).

Son of Charles Vernon Dicken, C.B.E., and Alice Mary Dicken, of Patiala, India.
Michael Perry Stowell Dicken was the son of Charles Vernon Dicken and Alice Mary Ogden (the writer Thora Stowell) was born on 13 August 1881 in Southsea, Hampshire, England.
He was born on 5 July 1923 in Cairo, Egypt, and was baptised by the Bishop of Egypt and The Sudan at St Mary's Church, Cairo. He died 20 August 1943 at Gol Gol, New South Wales Australia.
The following story of his life was written by his cousin Rowland Dicken (and slightly edited by Stuart Cresswell)
At the age of ten he went to Normandale School, Bexhill on Sea, England, coming out to his father's house at Tangier for all his holidays.
In January 1937, while on holiday, he went for a week's cruise on HMS Hood by invitation of Admiral Blake, transferring to HMS Sussex (Admiral Kennedy Purvis), in both cases living in the gunroom. While on board Sussex, an S.O.S. was received from a British ship attacked by Spanish warships (it was during the Spanish Civil War). She turned to the rescue, with the crew at action stations - Michael in the fore-turret !. When they got within range, the Spaniards made off, so there was no battle, but it was quite an experience for a boy of thirteen.
The same year he went to his father's old school, Cheltenham College ( Newick House). In 1939, on the outbreak of war, Cheltenham was evacuated to Shrewsbury, so he returned for a few months with his parents to India, where his father has the post of Minister of Finance to the Maharajah of Patiala. In the spring of 1940, he left India by aeroplane for Australia and entered Melbourne Grammar School.
He had always set his heart on flying and in 1942 he fulfilled his life's ambition by joining the Royal Australian Air Force where he rose rapidly by stages from ground-staff to pilot, "fighter-pilot", and Pilot Officer. He was about to be made an instructor when he met his death in an air-crash in August 1943 soon after his twentieth birthday.
He was well over six feet, broad-shouldered and upright, of high ideals and a quiet and unassuming nature. He was quite a brilliant musician, playing both violin and piano. It was perhaps from his mother ("Thora Stowell") that he inherited a gift for writing, and even when a schoolboy he had many stories published in boys' papers with his own illustrations, he was very clever with his pencil.
He might have reached almost any heights but fate willed that, like so many other young lives, he was to be given for his country.
Melbourne Grammar School has this obituary for him:
"MICHAEL PERRY STOWELL DICKEN (No. 9041, 1940-41) was killed in a flying accident on August 20th, 1943, shortly after he had gained his wings in the R.A.A.F.
He was at Cheltenham College, England, and on a visit to Australia when war broke out, so finished his education with us. His aim was to enter the Diplomatic Service and he was a keen student of languages, including Spanish. He was also a great lover of music and played violin in the School orchestra.
Although intended for a University course, he considered that his duty was to enter the Services, and as he had always been interested in flying, decided on the R.A.A.F., which he joined on leaving School. He was the son of C. Vernon Dicken, C.B.E., of Patiala India."
(From The Melburnian, 1943, News of Our Men report, Volume 68, Number 3)
Their Archivist added:
"He was admitted to the Senior School in 1940 and left in 1941. He was in School House (a boarding house), in the house rowing team and played his violin for the School play for May 1941 "Pirates of Penzance".
He enlisted at Melbourne no, 419115 RAAF Officers. At the time of his death he was posted to 2 Operational Training Unit. He is commemorated in the Roll of Honour in Tangier, Morocco and at Panel 112 in the Commemorative Area of the Australian War Memorial. His grave is at Mildura Public Cemetery, plot C row A grave 10. His gravestone is inscribed:
419115 Pilot Officer
MPS Dicken
Royal Australian Air Force
17th August 1943 Age 20
To Live in Hearts
We Leave Behind
Is Not To Die
(The above bio provided by Stuart Cresswell 50680243)

Flying Officer Thomas Power & Pilot Officer Michael DickenPrint Page

Photographs supplied by Neil Follett
The plaque commemorates Flying Officer Thomas Power and Pilot Officer Michael Stowell Dicken who were killed when their Wirraway aircraft crashed in August 1943.

On the 17th August 1943, Pilot Officer Michael Perry Stowell Dicken (419115) Pupil Pilot and Flying Officer Thomas Philip Power (408700) Staff Flying Instructor were both aboard Wirraway A20-545 carrying out section combat exercises where P/O Dicken was taking instruction as part on No.23 Fighter Operational Training Course. A20-545 was seen by another crew in the exercise to pull suddenly out of a steep dive at low altitude and see one of A20-545’s wings part company from the aircraft. This then followed into an unrecoverable dive into the ground 15 miles (24km) South East of 2OTU at 10:50am, this ejected both pilots from the fuselage sustaining fatal injuries instantly.
Last Modified 30 Oct 2023Created 14 Mar 2025 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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