Lest We Forget

This page is dedicated to those in the family tree who either served in the armed forces or were civilian casualties of war. This list of over 260 family members who served in the armed forces is certainly not complete as it is based on the information I have at this time. If you have any additions or corrections, please contact me so I can make the change.

         †    killed in action, died of their wounds later or died of disease.
       **     served in multiple wars or campaigns.

Canadian Expeditionary Force
Canadian Army Service Corps
Australian Imperial Force
New Zeland Expeditionary Force
       ~ unit not known

  • Only 1 unit or service is listed for each person.
  • All units or services mentioned are British, unless otherwise noted.

 D's  Debbie's
  R    generations

eg. 1C 2R - My 1st cousin 2 generations removed

bold - closest relatives

World War II
1939 - 1945

Arthur Ronald C. Andrews 76 Squadron Royal Air Force, 1C 2R
Ronald Thornton Bisset Royal Australian Army Canteen Serv., 5C
Peter Colin Bisset Royal Australian Naval Reserve, 5C
Michael Gordon Black ** ~, 4C 1R
Gordon Percy Stuart Brayshaw Pioneer Corps, 1C1R
Albert C. Brocket Royal Canadian Regiment, 3C 1R
Ronald George Brockett 2nd Light Armoured Division, 3C 1R
Donald Neil Brown 12th Field Co. Royal Canadian Engineers, 4C 1R
Edwin Brown ** Royal Air Force, 2C 3R
Hadyn Reginald Browne Glider Pilot Regiment, Army Air Corps, 4C 1R
John Christopher Burne Royal Army Medical Corps, 6C 1R
Roger Sambrooke Burne 244 Battery, 61st Field Reg. Royal Artillery, 6C 1R
Bladen Horace Capell, United States Amy, 3C
Leonard Francis Caunter Royal Air Force, H of 4C 2R
Francis W. M. Cosens
, MGB 179, Royal Naval Reserve, 2C 1R
Clive Cruddas 9th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, 3C 2R
Albert Edward Dazley United States Marines 2nd Marine Division, 5C 1R
Joseph Carl Dazley United States Army, 5C 1R
George Beresford Deare United States Army, 2C 1R
Arthur Keelinge Deakin 407 Sq. Royal Canadian Air Force, 2C 1R
Michael Perry S. Dicken Royal Australian Air Force, 2C 1R
Donald John Divett Royal Air Force, H of Half 4C
Douglas James S. Duthoit Bedfordshire and Herfordshire Regt., 2C 1R
Havelock Russell Fountain
Royal New Zealand Air Force, Half 4C
Kenneth Murray Fountain New Zealand Medical Corps, Half 4C
Morton Dearsly Fountain Royal New Zealand Air Force, Half 4C
Harold A. Freeman-Attwood
** 46th Infantry Division , 6C 2R
George H. Futtit
1st The Royal Berkshire Regiment, 3C 2R
Bertram George Garland 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, H of 4C 2R
Roy Fredrick Garmeson United States Navy, 4C 1R
Warren John Garmeson ** United States Navy, 4C 1R
Edward Frank Godfrey British Merchant Navy, 5C 1R
Harold Burt Hainworth
The South Lancashire Regiment, Half 4C
James I. B. Hampshire 81 Assault Squadron, Royal Engineers, 3C 1R
Kenneth Lister Hampshire British Army, 3C 1R
Peter William Hampshire British Army, 3C 1R
James Gordon Hay
Royal Air Force, 4C 1R
George William Hiles British Army, 3C 1R
Florence Hiles ~, 3C 1R
Douglas Noel Wragg Holman HMS Mendip, Royal Navy, 3 C 2R
John Anthony Horrigan
Royal Artillery, H of 2C 2R
Enid M. Simmonds (nee Jones) Women's Auxilary Air Force, Aunt
Alfred Dixie Kiernander New Zealand Infantry Brigade, half 4C
Frederick Charles Lace
y, Royal Marines, 2C 1R
Roy Pentreath Laity, British Merchant Navy, H of 1C 2R
John F. A .H. Lindsay
** Royal Air Force, 2C 2R
Silas Lock 211 Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, 4C 1R
William Kenneth Mathewson
2nd The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 5C
Terence I. G. Morgan British Army, H of 2C 1R
Isaac Naylor Royal Army Service Corps, H of 1C 1R
Arthur Ogden ** 20th Co. Canadian Forestry Corps, Grandfather
Robert Kenney Reid United States Navy, H of 3C
Ralph William Sandom HMS Airedale Royal Navy, H of half 2C 1R
Geoffrey Howard Scatchard
No. 1 Can. Advanced Stat. Depot, 2C 3R
John Percival Scatchard Royal Navy, 3C 2R
John Percy Simmonds 437 Squadron, RCAF, Uncle
Robert Henry Simmonds Fleet Air Arm, Royal Navy, Uncle
George Simpson Royal Canadian Air Force, D's 1C 1R
John Douglas Simpson Royal Canadian Air Force, D's 1C 1R
Thomas William Simpson 1st Division Signals, Can. Army, D's 1C 1R
Garnet Leonard Smith Signals Corps, 2C 1R
Norman Cecil Smith Gordon Highlanders, 2C 1R
Henry Inman Sparrow 2nd Queen's Royal Reg. (West Surrey), 4C 1R
Leonard Edwin C. Sutton Photographer, British Army, 3C 2R
Patrick Richard Sutton 5th Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 3C 2R
Douglas Victor Symondson 114 Squadron Royal Air Force, 2C 1R
Sidney A. E. Symondson Royal Air Force, 1C 2R
Sidney Norman Symondson 15 Squadron Royal Air Force, 2C 1R
S. Gordon Symondson ** 24th London Batt. Home Guard, Half G Uncle
Benjamin Mahonri Taylor ** United States Army, 5C 1R
Thomas Frederick Townley
100 Squadron Royal Air Force, 1C 1R
John Cadman Watts Royal Army Medical Corps, 3C 2R
Basil Alfred Webster Royal Engineers (Indian Army), half 4C
Henry Maurice Wix 97 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, half 4C
John David Wix Royal Artillery, half 4C

World War I
1914 - 1918
Claude Ackroyd Royal Field Artillery, H of 3C 2R
Walter George Allan Royal Garrison Artillery, 2C 3R
Ernest Asquith 9th Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 3C 2R
Robert Auckland 227th Field Company, Royal Engineers, D's Grandfather
Thomas Auckland 1/9th Durham Light Infantry, D's G Uncle
Charles Edward Axon ** Lancashire Fusiliers, 1C 3R
William Henry Axon
Royal Army Medical Corp, 1C 3R
Herbert Bagnall
1st Manchester Regiment, 1C 2R
Leslie Barrett Royal Army Medical Corps, 4C 2R
Charles Philip O. Bartlett
Royal Navy Air Service, H of 4C 1R
Donald Charles Burnley Belt
7th Brigade Royal Horse Artllery, H of 2C 2R
William George Biggs 32nd Lt. Railway Operating Comp. RE, H of 3C 3R
Michael Gordon Black
** Royal Field Artillery, 4C 1R
James Thomas Botterell
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 2C 1R
Joseph Lyndon Botterell
29th Co. Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 2C 1R
Walter Robinson B. Bradley
1st Sherwood Foresters, 2C 2R
Albert Brayshaw 247th Brigade Royal Field Artillery, H of G Aunt
Bertie Brockett 116th (Ontario County) Battalion CEF, 2C 2R
Francis Henry George Brockett
Royal West Kent Regiment, 2C 2R
Frederick Brockett
19th Battalion CEF, 2C 2R
George Brockett Royal West Kent Regiment, 2C 2R
William Charles Brockett 71st Battalion CEF, 2C 2R
Arthur Brown Royal Naval Air Service, 2C 3R
Edwin Brown
** Royal Flying Corps, 2C 3R
John Thomas Brown
7th Buffs (East Kent) Regiment, 2C 3R
Sambrooke Arthur Higgins Burne 4th Kings Shropshire Light Infantry 5C 2R
Arthur Maitland Byng
** 4th Royal Fusiliers (City of London), BiL 2C 3R
Algernon Essex Capell ** 2nd Rhodesian Regiment, 1C 2R
Henry Addison D. Capell
2nd King Edward's Horse, 1C 2R
Willie Carr
20th Batt. Nottingham & Derby Reg., 3C 2R
John Chilton Royal Flying Corps, 3C 2R
Arthur Edmund Claxton
5/2nd East Surrey, 3C 2R
Arthur Coates 2/5th West Yorkshire Regiment, H of 3C 2R
Cyril Anderson Cocks
1st Bde Ammunition Column AEF, 4C 2R
Gilbert Anderson Cocks
Cheshire Regiment, 4C 2R
Percy Frank Anderson Cocks
5th Queen's (Royal West Surrey), 4C 2R
Claud Goude Cooke Australian Army Service Corps, H of 5C
William Leslie Cotterell 11th Brigade Royal Field Artillery, 4C 3R
Harry John Croft
Royal Navy, H of 2C 2R
Joseph Alfred Colling 1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers, H of D's 2G Aunt
Frederick W. U. Cosens
** 1st Royal Fusiliers (City of London), H of 1C 2R
William Ernest Coutts 6th Battalion Black Watch, H of 4C 1R
Benjamin Locker Curtis 15th London Regiment, G Uncle
Leonard Randoph Curtis
Royal Army Service Corp, 2C 2R
Thomas Bagnall Curtis 1st Cheshire Regiment, G Uncle
Charles Keelinge Deakin
214 (Saskatchewan) Battalion CEF, 1C 2R
John Keelinge Deakin 1st S. African Inf. (Cape of Good Hope), G Uncle
George Francis Deakin 214 (Saskatchewan) Battalion, CEF, 1C 2R
Margaret Patience Deakin Queen Mary's Army Aux. Corps, Grandmother
Robert Charles Deakin
61st Battalion (Winnipeg) CEF, G Uncle
Robert Frederick Deakin
214 (Saskatchewan) Battalion CEF, 1C 2R
Frank Oakes Dixon
** 137th (Calgary) Battalion CEF, FiL of 2C 2R
James William Duthoit
North Staffordshire Regiment, H of 1C 2R
Angus George Corser Elliott Royal Engineers, H of 3C 2R
Harry England South Wales Borderers, 3C 1R
Walter Wright England 155th Brigade Royal Field Artillery, 2C 2R
William England Royal Army Service Corps, 2C 2R
Montague Henry Faulkner 13th (County of London) , 2C 2R
Edward Freeman ** Royal Welsh Fusiliers , 5C 3R
Harold A. Freeman-Attwood
** 1st Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 6C 2R
Geoffrey Cocksedge Ford
Royal Navy, H of 3C 2R
Harold Arthur George French Royal Air Force, H of 1C 2R
Wilfred Ward Gorrie 1st Batt. Auckland Reg., New Zealand Army, half 4C
George Bows Futtit 1st Lincolnshire Regiment, 2C 3R
William Coupe Futtit
** Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 2C 3R
Charles Phillip Gee Royal Irish Rifles, H of 2C 2R
Augustus Edward Godfrey
Royal Navy, H of 2C 2R
Edward Reginald Grainger 20th Battery 113 Bde Roy. Field Artillery, 2C 2R
George Harold Grainger 40th Brigade Royal Field Artillery, 2C 2R
George Eric Hampshire Royal Field Artillery, 2C 2R
William Henry Hampshire Yorkshire Hussars , 2C 2R
John Thomas Hempsall
151st Field Company, Royal Engineers,3C 2R
John William Hewitson
15th West Yorkshire Regiment, H of 3C 2R
Arthur Homer 1st Battalion, King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 2C 2R
Philip Keelinge B. Homer
Royal Air Force , 2C 2R
Richard Charles Homer, 11th Battalion, Border Regiment, 2C 2R
Frank Upton Jeal 1st Life Guards, H of 2C 2R
Benjamin Jonas 13th Battalion Australian Imperial Force, 2C 3R
Arthur Leopold Victor Jupp Royal Garison Artillery, 3C 3R
Henry Conrad Josiah Jupp
Royal Army Service Corps, 3C 3R
Alfred Dixie Kiernander
** Royal Flying Corps, half 4C
Frederick Dudley Kiernander Labour Corps, half 3C 1R
John Dixie Kiernander
107th Canadian Pioneer Battalion, half 4C
William Dixie Kiernander
Royal Air Force, half 4C
Noel Gilbert B. King 1st Wiltshire Regiment, 3C 2R
Ernest Calvin Kinnear 185th Canadian Infantry Battalion CEF, H of G Aunt
Frances Charles Lacey Royal Army Service Corp, H of 1C 2R
Edward Woollard P. Lamb
11th Squadron Royal Air Force, 3C 2R
Albert Edward Jesse Lantsbery 13th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, H of 2C 2R
Aubrey Victor Leake, Royal Air Force, 3C 2R
Reginald Tilson Lee
** Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey), half 3C 1R
John F. A.H. Lindsay
** 5th Canadian Infantry Battalion, 2C 2R
William Justice Homer Lindsay
Royal Field Artillery, 2C 2R
Charles Edwin Lowe
264th Railway Company RE, 1C 2R
Percy Scatchard Lowe
1/4th West Riding Regiment, 1C 2R
John Lowes 229th (South Sask.) Battalion, CEF, D's G Uncle
Valentine Marsden Lunnon 11th Essex Regiment, H of 3C 2R
Thomas Maddox
22nd Manchester Regiment, half GG Uncle
Frederick Ernest Martin ** 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment, H of 1C 2R
Arthur John K. McCausland
6th Battalion Border Regiment, 2C 2R
Eliza Matilda Melvin
Canadian Army Medical Corps, W of 1C 2R
Alfred Mills 10th Royal Fusiliers, 2C 2R
Dudley Frank Mills Devonshire Regiment, 2C 2R
Montague Britain Mills Royal Vavy, 2C 2R
John Patrick Ernest Milne 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, CEF, 4C 1R
Robert George Milne 12th Brigade, Ammunition Column CEF, 4C 1R
Alfred Morris
1/4th Northamptonshire Regiment, 3C 2R
Philip Stanley Morris Royal Air Force, 2C 2R
Ernest Rudolf Dudley Nagel
Royal Field Artillery, half 4C
Benjamin Newton
2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, CEF, 3C 2R
Alexander Nunns
Royal Air Force, 3C 2R
Clifford Blackburn Nunns Royal Engineers, 3C 2R
Daniel Davidson Nunns 107th Company, Machine Gun Corps, 3C 2R
John Nunns Royal Field Artillery, 3C 2R
William Arthur Nunns
4th (W. Riding Bde.) Royal Field Artillery, 3C 2R
Thomas Edward Nother Royal Air Force, 2C 2R
Arthur Ogden ** 1/6th Manchester Regiment, Grandfather
Ernest Percy Ogden ** 2nd Manchester Regiment, G Uncle
Jarvis Marshall Ogden 20th Manchester Regiment, G Uncle
Louis Sydney Ogden 9th East Lancashire Regiment, G Uncle
Frank Harold Powell
Royal Navy, H of 2C 2R
John Christopher Pykett
596 MT Coy. Roy. Army Service Corps, H of 2C 3R
Hugh Rounding 17th Manchester Regiment, H of 2C 2R
Gerald Cowper Scatchard
2nd M.T. Co. CASC, 2C 3R
Thomas Scatchard
** Royal Army Medical Corps, 2C 3R
Walter Kemble Scatchard
1st Div. Supply Column CASC, 2C 3R
Frederick Scrimshaw 1/5th Northumberland Fusiliers, 2C 2R
Sidney Henry Scrimshaw
Royal Navy, 2C 2R
Sidney George Seager Machine Gun Corps, 2C 2R
Alfred H. Percy Simmonds 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles CEF, Grandfather
Joseph Bellas Simpson 169th Battalion CEF, D's G Uncle
Thomas Simpson 188th (Saskatchewan) Battalion, CEF, D's 1C 2R
Alfred Brodie Tucker Smith Royal Navy, half 3C 2R
Louis Solomon 1st Battalion, Otago Regiment, NZEF, 2C 3R
Edward Cyril Sparrow Royal Army Medical Corps, 3C 3R
Michael George E. Stokes 4th King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 5C 3R
Gibson Swall 4th Border Regiment, H of D's 2C 2R
Alfred Stuart Symondson, Scots Guards Band, G Grandfather
Alfred Stewart Simmonds)
Alfred Stuart Symondson, Scots Guards, half G Uncle
Alfred Victor Symondson Royal Air Force, 1C 2R
Charles Henry Symondson
17th Royal Fusiliers, 1C 2R
Claude F. W. Symondson ** 3/1st Lancashire Hussars, 2C 2R
Ernest Arthur P. Symondson Royal Air Force, 1C 2R
Frank Vernon O. Symondson Royal Field Artillery, 2C 2R
Frederick Albert Symondso
n Labour Corps, 2C 2R
Frederick Thomas Symondson
Army Pay Corps 2C 2R
John Charles Symondson
Horse Transport Army Service Corps, 2C 3R
Joseph Arthur Symondson
1st Border Regiment, 2C 3R
Henry Francis Symondson
Royal Field Artillery, 1C 2R
John Herbert Symondson
Labour Corps, 2C 2R
Lionel Frederick Symondson
12th Rifle Brigade, 1C 2R
Percy John Symondson Royal Field Artillery, 1C 2R
Percy Sidney Symondson 3rd Seaforth Highlanders, 2C 2R
Robert Alberto Symondson Royal Army Service Corps, 1C 2R
Sydney Carl Symondson 42nd Battalion CEF, 1C 2R
Sidney Gordon Symondson ** 2nd Battalion Scots Guards, half G Uncle
Edward Taylor Labour Corps, H of 2C 2R
Wilfred Watson Thornley Seaforth Highlanders, half 1C 2R
William Walton Thrustans
Labour Corps, 3C 2R
William Forbes Thomson 2nd Batt. The Gordon Highlanders, H of 4C 1R
Horace George B. Tonks Roy. Army Serv. Corps Mech. Transp, H of 1C 2R
Geoffrey Frank Walton
** 14th London Regiment, 3C 2R
Humphrey Weaver ** 114th Mahrattas, Indian Army, 3C 3R
Ernest Henry Wix 2/28th Battalion, London Regiment, half 3C 1R
Gordon Tarleton Wix 38 Squadron Royal Air Force, half 3C 1R
Noel Vivian Gibson Wix 7th Field Artillery Brigade AIF, half 3C 1R
Wilton Millarde Yates ** Canadian Infantry, H of 2C 2R
Colin Algernon A. Capell British South Africa Police, 3C

Second Anglo Boer War
1899 - 1902
Charles Edward Axon ** Royal Army Medical Corps, 1C 3R
Arthur Maitland Byng ** 4th Royal Fusiliers (City of London), BiL 2C 3R
Algernon Essex Capell ** Bethune's Mounted Infantry, 1C 2R
Frederick W. U. Cosens ** 13th Hussars, H of 1C 2R
Frank Oakes Dixon ** 9th Lancers, FiL of 2C 2R
William Bodham Donne Cape Mounted Rifles, BiL of 1C 4R
Edward Freeman ** Pwllheli Company of Volunteers, 5C 3R
William Coupe Futtit ** Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 2C 3R
Arthur Lionel Hammond Imperial Yeomanry, 1C 2R
Charles John Hammond 8th Hussars, 1C 2R
Reginald Tilson Lee ** Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey), half 3C 1R
Charles Stratton Lightening ** Steinacker's Horse, FiL of 2C 1R
Walton Lowes Kaffrarian Rifles, D's GG Uncle
Robert Edward Scatchard 11th Company, 3rd Imperial Yeomanry, 2C 3R
Geoffrey Frank Walton ** Army Service Corps, 3C 2R
Humphrey Weaver ** 1st South Staffordshire, 3C 3R
Oswald James Weaver 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, 3C 3R
John Charles Whitton 9th Lancers, H of 2C 3R
Francis George West 18th Imperial Yeomanry, H of 1C 2R
Wilton Millarde Yates ** Imperial Yeomanry, H of 2C 2R
Bechuanaland Campaign

John Twigg Homer Methuen's Horse, 1C 3R

Second Anglo-Egyptian War

Alexander Richard Joyce Royal Navy, H of 2C 3R

Anglo Sudan War (Madist War)
1881 - 1889
Albert Charles Jewell ** Commissariat and Transport Corps, H of GG Aunt

Anglo Zulu War
Albert Charles Jewell ** Commissariat and Transport Corps, H of GG Aunt
Crimean War
1853 - 1856
Theophilus Robert Howkins 79th Cameron Highlanders, GG Uncle
Napoleonic Wars
1803 - 1815
Thomas Homer Anglo-Portuguese Army, 5G Uncle
John Scatchard Royal Navy, 4G Uncle
James Marshall Stokes
95th Regiment of Foot (Rifles), 2C 6R
William Smith Stokes Royal Navy, 2C 6R

Korean War
1950 - 1953
Warren John Garmeson ** United States Navy, 4C 1R
Benjamin Mahonri Taylor ** United States Army, 5C 1R
George M. C. Auckland 1st Durham Light Infantry, D's G Uncle
Thomas Bagnall
3/60 Reg. of Foot (K's Roy. Rifle Corps), 3G Uncle
James Albert Hammond 3/60 Reg. of Foot (K's Roy. Rifle Corps), H of GG Aunt
Hugh de la Motte Hervey 1st Punjab Cavalry, FiL of 2C 3R
Francis Edward Howard 2nd Battalion Middlesex Regiment, 3C 2R
Charles Stratton Lightenin
g ** ~,FiL 2C 1R
Frederick Ernest Martin
** 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment, H of 1C 2R
arvis Marshall Ogden 3/60 Reg. of Foot (K's Roy. Rifle Corp), G Gfather
Earnest Percy Ogden ** 1st Manchester Regiment, G Uncle
Thomas Scatchard
** Royal Army Medical Corps, 2C 3R
Nathanial Wood 3/60 Reg. of Foot (K's Roy. Rifle Corps), S GG Gfather
Sepoy Rebellion
1857 - 1858
Daniel Corrie Walker Royal Engineers, H of GG Aunt
North America
American Civil War
1861 - 1865
Ebenezer Fiscus 59th Indiana Infantry, Union Army, D's 3G Uncle
Henry John Hauser 53rd Indiana Infantry, Union Army , D's GG Grandfather
Samuel Legg Co. D 1st Wisconson Vol. Inf. Reg., Union Army, H of 3G Aunt
American Revolutionary War
1775 - 1783
John Adam Fiscus Boone's Kentucky Riflemen, Am. Army , D's half 6G Uncle
Served in Peacetime or Service Unknown
Percy Edward Allan Royal Navy, 2C 2R
David Cooper Royal Canadian Navy, 3C
George Beresford Deare 53rd Regiment of Foot, H of GG Aunt
John Deakin Garmeson 20th Hussars, 2C 3R
Henry Howkins 2nd Warwickshire Militia, GG Uncle
Allan Crosby Lowe Royal Canadian Engineers, D's G Uncle
Richard T Gipson Royal Air Force, Half 4C1R
Janet Leach, ~, Wife of 4C
Ron Leach, Royal Corps of Tranport, 4C

Frank Harold Powell
Royal Navy, H of 2C 2R
John Sharpley ~, H of 3G Aunt
John Albert Sharpley Rifle Brigade, 1C 3R
Claude F. W. Symondson ** 21st Lancers, 2C 2R
Brian Francis Symondson Royal Air Force, 3C 1R
Henry Symondson
4th Middlesex Militia Band, GG Gfather
Henry John Symondson Scots Guards Band, GG Uncle
Herbert George Symondson, 2nd Battalion Scots Guards Band, GG Uncle
John Reginald Lionel Symondson Royal Air Force, 2C 1R
Charles Henry Vause
Grenadier Guards, FiL of 2C 2R
Frederick John Wells Royal Navy, 4C 1R
Arthur McKellar Wix 2/5 Northumberland Fusiliers, Half 2C 2R
Civilian Deaths
September 21 1940, The Blitz, London, England
Lilian Alice Claxton, W of 3C 2R
September 21 1940, The Blitz, London, England
George Horace Deakes, H of half 4C
July 13 1945, Changi POW Camp, Singapore
October 14 1940, The Blitz, London, England
May 11 1941, The Blitz, London, England
Cecil Frederick Smith, H of 1C 2R
May 10 1941, The Blitz, London, England
Created March 7, 2010
Updated January 14, 2025

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