Proven Companions of William the Conqueror

The Battle of Hastings fought on October 14, 1066 was a pivotal moment in the History of Great Britain. It was a decisive victory with (27G Grandfather) William the Duke of Normandy defeating the newly crowned Anglo Saxon (30G Grandfather) Harold Godwinson the King of England. While no one knows how many fought at the battle it is estimated William had a force of about 10 000 and Harold about 7000. Many noble English families descended from the Norman knights at this battle and other actions in the conquest of England. There are 3 unimpeachable sources for participants in the battle. While other sources are also available, some are from a much later date or may be flawed. There are only 15 nobles mentioned in the 3 reliable sources. Many nobles present at the battle were omitted. Participants other than nobles would, of course, not be considered worth mentioning by these sources.

To the victors go the spoils. Thus many noble participants (proven or not) benefited greatly from the victory.

Battle of Hastings
Companions of the Conqueror
William the Conqueror
Harold Godwinson

Scene from the
Bayeux Tapestry
Second from the right (looking back, lifting his helm showing he is alive) is William. “Here is Duke (Dux) William”
On the right (looking and pointing back) is Eustace, “E[…]tius”, Latin for Eustace
Second from the left is
Bishop Odo (William’s half-brother) “Here Bishop Odo holding a club gives strength to the boys”
Death Date
26G Grandfather
Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester
June 5, 1118
29G Grandfather
Eustace II, Count of Boulogne
circa 1087
28G Grandfather
Geoffrey II, Count of Perche
October 1100
28G Grandfather
William FitzOsbern, 1st Earl of Hereford
February 22, 1071
28G Grandfather
Aimery IV, Viscount of Thouars
circa 1094
28G Grandfather
Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville
before 1085
29G Grandfather
Raoul II of Tosny
April 9, 1102
27G Grandfather
William de Warenne, 1st Earl of Surrey
June 24, 1088
From an Additional Source of Merit
28G Grandfather
Robert, Count of Mortain (William's half-brother)
Updated March 15, 2023

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