Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
Birthabt 1827, Norham, Northumberland, England
FatherWalter ROBERTSON (1793-1878)
MotherMargaret BRYSON (1797-1887)
Birthabt 1829, Halsall, Lancashire
ChildrenMargaret (1850-1851)
 Mary Ann (~1855-)
 Margaret Robertson (~1858-1936)
 James (~1860-)
 Walter (~1863-)
 Elizabeth (1869-)
Notes for Mary ROBERTSON
In the 1841 census Norham, Northumberland.
Walter Robertson, age 45, Mason, born in Nortumberland.
Margaret Robertson, age 46, born Northumberland.
Mary Robertson, age 15, born Northumberland.
Walter Robertson, age 11, born Northumberland.
Margaret Robertson, age 9, born Northumberland.
John Robertson, age 8, born Northumberland.
James Robertson, age 6, born Northumberland.
Jessie Robertson, age 4, born Northumberland.
Thomas Robertson, age 2, born Northumberland.

In the 1851 census Norham, Northumberland.
Head Walter Robertson, age 57, mason, born Norham, Northumberland.
Wife Margaret Robertson, age 53, born Norham.
Daughter Margaret Robertson, unmarried, age 19, dress maker, born Norham.
Son John Robertson, unmarried, age 18, joiner apprentice, born Norham.
Son James Robertson, age 16, shoemaker apprentrice, born Norham.
Daughter Jessie Robertson, age 14, scholar, born Norham.
Son Thomas Alexander Robertson, age 12, scholar, born Norham.
Daughter Mary Cave, married, age 24, labourer’s wife, born Norham.
Granddaughter Margaret Cave, age 7 months, born Norham.

In the 1861 census Ann Terrace Rose Vale 5, Everton, Liverpool, Lancashire
Head Henry Cave, age 32, porter, born Halsall. Lancashire
Wife Mary Cave, age 34, born Norham
Daughter Margaret Cave, age 3, born Everton, Liverpool
Son James Cave, age 1, born Everton
[Presumably daughter Margaret is the second daughter of this name and the first Margaret was deceased by 1858.]

In the 1871 census No 5 Ann Terace, Everton, Liverpool
Head Henry Cave, age 43, cotton porter, born Halsallo, Lancashire
Wife Mary Cave, age 44, born Norham, Northumberland
Son James Cave, age 11, born Liverpool, Lancashire
Son Walter Cave, age 8, born Liverpool
Daughter Elizabeth Cave, age 1, born Liverpool
Daughter Maggy Cave, age 13, domestic servant, born Liverpool
Lodger William Cave, unmarried, age 17, carter, born Liverpool.

In the 1881 census 87 Rose Vale, Everton, Liverpool, Lancashure
Head Henry Cave, age 53, porter, born Hallsall, Lancashire
Wife Mary Cave, age 44, born Wrexham, Denbyshire [an error]
Son Walter Cave, unmarried, age 18, porter, born Liverpool
Daughter Elizabeth Cave, age 11 scholar, born Liverpool
[Also daughter Margaret’s family]
Head William Gray, married, age 27, carter, born Orwell, Lancashire
Wife Margaret Gray, married, age 23, born Liverpool
Son Henry Gray, age 3, born Liverpool
Daughter Mary Gray, age 1, born Liverpool
Last Modified 12 Apr 2021Created 20 Jan 2025 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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