Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameBertha BAGNALL, 1C2R
Birth18 Jan 1878, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Baptism14 Jul 1878
Burial5 Dec 1882
FatherJohn Henry BAGNALL (1854-1931)
MotherHannah Maria GREGORY (~1854-1922)
Notes for Bertha BAGNALL
England Select Births and Christenings
Born January 18, 1878, Baptism July 14, 1878 Bertha Bagnall, Hulme near Manchester, Lancashire, father John Henry Bagnall, mother Anna Maria Gregor, parent married St. Marks 1876, present address 21 Cawdor Street, father is a maker up, ceremony performed by Samuel Falle.

This entry is based on the assumption that since her grandparent lived on 7 Church Street and her father John H. Bagnall is the same age as their son, he is the correct person.
1881 census 21 Church Street, Hulme, Lancashire.
Head John Hy. Bagnall, age 27, maker-up, born, Manchester, Lancashire.
Wife Hannah Maria Bagnall, age 27, born Manchester.
Daughter Bertha Bagnall, age 3, scholar, born Manchester.

In the October to December 1882 death index Bertha Bagnall, age 4, Chorlton, Lancashire, volume 8c, page 525.

Parish Records Christ Church, Harpury, Manchester
Burial December 5, 1882, Bertha Bagnall, abode 40 Arundal Street, Hulme, age 4 years, ceremony performed by M. Burrows.
Last Modified 2 Aug 2017Created 12 Jun 2024 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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