Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameMinnie WINNARD
Birthabt 1870, Manchester, Lancashire, England
FatherSamuel WINNARD (~1832-1894)
MotherMary (~1837-1904)
Notes for Minnie WINNARD
In the 1871 census 43 Lorn Street, Hulme, Manchester, Lancashire.
Head Samuel Winnard, age 37, coppersmith, born Newton, Lancashire.
Wife Mary Winnard, age 34, born Manchester, Lancashire.
Daughter Margaret Alice Winnard, age 15, born Manchester.
Son John A. Winnard, age 13, scholar, born Liverpool, Lancashire.
Son Samuel Winnard, age 7, scholar, born Manchester.
Daughter Mary E. Winnard, age 4, scholar, born Manchester.
Daughter Ada Winnard, age 2, born Manchester.
Daughter Minnie Winnard, age 1, born Manchester. G
rand Father Richard Teasdale, married, age 60, venetian blind maker, born Ireland.

In the 1881 census 43 Lorn Street, Hulme, Lancashire. [Mary Ellen’s future in laws lived at 43 Lorn Street ie probably across the street.]
Head Samuel Winnard, age 47, coppersmith, born Lancashire.
Wife Mary Winnard, age 44, born Lancashire.
Daughter Margaret Alice Winnard, unmarried, age 25, brass lapper, born Lancashire.
Son Samuel Winnard, unmarried, age 17, brass finisher, born Lancashire.
Daughter Mary Ellen Winnard, age 14, office assistant, born Lancashire. Daughter
Ada Winnard, age 12, scholar, born Lancashire.
Daughter Minnie Winnard, age 11, scholar, born Lancashire. S
on Richard Winnard, age 8, scholar, born Lancashire.
Last Modified 4 Jan 2024Created 20 Jan 2025 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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