Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth SIMPSON
Birthabt 1860, Ontario, Canada
FatherWilliam SIMPSON (1815-1907)
MotherCatherine GRAHAM (1825-1907)
Notes for Elizabeth SIMPSON
Name and birth information from Micheline Champagne.
Did marry.

In the 1861 Canadian census Middlesex, Canada West. William Simpson, farmer, born England, E. Methodist, age 43. Catherine Simpson, born Ireland, age 36. Agnes Simpson, born Upper Canada, age 12, member of family, attended school within year. Thomas Simpson, labourer, born Upper Canada, age 11, attended school, member of the family. Robert Simpson, born Upper Canada, age 9, attended school. Mary M. Simpson, born Upper Canada, age 7, attended school, member of the family. Jane Simpson, born Upper Canada, age 5, member of family. Isaac J. Simpson, born Upper Canada, age 2, member of family. Elizabeth A. Simpson, born Upper Canada, age 1, member of family.

In the 1881 census Mosa, Middlesex West, Ontario. William Simpson, age 65, born England, Methodist Episcopal, farmer. Catharine Simpson, age 55, born Ireland. Thomas Simpson, age 30 born Ontario, farmer. Mary Simpson, age 27, born Ontario. Jane Simpson, age 24, born Ontario. Isaac Simpson, age 22, born Ontario, farmer. Elizabeth Simpson, age 20, born Ontario. Elorn [Probably Helen] Simpson, age 18, born Ontario. Catherine Simpson, age 16, born Ontario. William Simpson, age 14, born Ontario.
Last Modified 9 Sep 2012Created 20 Jan 2025 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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