Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameHelen BROWN, 2C3R
Birthabt 1865, Luton, Bedfordshire
FatherJohn Thomas BROWN (1839-<1915)
MotherAnn (~1837-<1917)
Notes for Helen BROWN
In the 1871 census New Town Road, Luton, Bedfordshire.
John Thomas Brown, age 31, Block Maker, born St. Albans, Hertfordshire.
Wife Ann Brown, age 33, born Berkhamsted, Buckinghamshire.
Son James Brown, age 11, scholar, born Luton, Bedfordshire.
Son Frederick Brown, age 10, scholar, born Luton.
Daughter Louisa Brown, age 8, scholar, born Luton.
Daughter Helen Brown, age 6, scholar, born Luton.
Son Francis Brown, age 5, scholar, born Luton.
Daughter Agnes Brown, age 3, scholar, born Luton.
Son Joseph Brown, age 1, born Luton.

In the 1881 census 55 Boyle Street, Luton, Bedfordshire.
Head John Brown, age 41, straw hat block maker, born not known.
Wife Ann Brown, age 67 [obviously an error], straw had sewer, born Berkhampsted, Hertfordshire.
Son James Brown, unmarried, age 21, straw hat blocker, born Luton.
Daughter Hellen [as spelled] Brown, unmarried, age 16, straw hat sewer, born Luton.
Son Frank Brown, age 15, errand boy, born Luton.
Daughter Agnes Brown, age 12, scholar, born Luton.
Son Joseph Brown, age 10, scholar, born Luton.
Daughter Kate Brown, age 8, scholar, born Luton.
Son John Brown, age 4, born Luton.
Last Modified 3 May 2014Created 20 Jan 2025 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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