Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameGondioc King Of The Burgundians, 48G Grandfather
1Sister Of Ricimer, 48G Grandmother
ChildrenChilperic II (~450-493)
Notes for Gondioc King Of The Burgundians
[One of the few known ancestors born in the 5th century.]
King of the Burgundians from 437, following the destruction of Worms, the Burgundians capital, by the Huns in 436.
The Burgundians were then settled in western Switzerland with their capital at Geneva. In 451 Joined the Roman General Flavius Aetius for the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains against the the forces of Attila the Hun.
Later he quelled a rebellion inbLyons and made it his capital.
He marrued a sister of Ricmer, the Gothic general in service to the Roman army, but de facto ruler of the Western Roman Empire.

Notes for Sister Of Ricimer (Spouse 1)
Sister of Ricimer (also known as Flavius Richomeres)
Her father was a Chief of the Suevi and her mother a princess of the Visigoths.
Last Modified 22 Jul 2023Created 12 Jun 2024 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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