Family Card - Person Sheet
Family Card - Person Sheet
NameMayme Leonie WHITEHEAD, 4C2R
Birth12 Apr 1881, Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
Death19 Jul 1934, Rexburg, Idaho
FatherEdward Wright WHITEHEAD (~1845-1884)
MotherMary BURR (1845-1943)
Birth23 Jun 1874, Illinois, USA
Death14 Aug 1941, Los Angeles, California
Marriage21 Feb 1900, Saint Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri
ChildrenDoris Mae (1925-1934)
Notes for Mayme Leonie WHITEHEAD
St Joseph Gazette, February 18, 1900
Cards are out announcing the approaching nuptials of Miss Mayme Leonie Whitehead and Mr. William Theodore Dugger. The marriage will take place Wednesday evening, February 21, at the home of the bride’s mother Mrs. Mary Whitehead, 1210 Frederick avenue. Etc.

Missouri Marriage Records
21 Feb 1900 Saint Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri
William T. Dugger, age over 21, of Saint Josephs and
Miss Mayme L. Whitehead, age over 18, of Saint Josephs
Minister of the Gospel Gilbert J. Whitehead [bride’s brother]

1900 US Census
1210 Frederick Avenue, St Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri
Head Mary Witehead [as written], born June 1846, England, age 53, widow, mother of 5 children all still living, immigrated 1868
Mother Harriet Burr, born July 1823, England, widow, , age 76, mother of 3 children - 1 still living, immigrated 1867
Daughter Violet Whitehead, born January 1879, Missouri, single, age 21, bookkeeper
Daughter Harriet M. Whitehead, born April 1876, Missouri, age 24, single, stenographer
Son in Law William T. Dugger, born June 1874, Illinois, married 0 years, commercial carter
Daughter Mayme L. Dugger, born April 1881, Missouri, married 0 years,
3 boarders

1910 US Census
816 West Third Street, Grand Island Ward 2, Hall County, Nebraska
Head William T. Dugger, age 35, married, number of years married 10, born Illinois, merchant, shoe store
Wife Mame [as spelled] L. Dugger, age 29, married, number of years married 10, no children, born Missouri, parents born Wales [should be England]

1920 US Census
Covey Apartment E, 114 South Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
Head Theodore Dugger, age 45, married, born Illinois, merchant, clothing
Wife Maryane [presumable this is Mayme] Dugger, age 35, born Missouri, parents born England

[Apparently they remarried]
Montana Marriages
June 10 1919, Red Lodge, Carbon County, Montana
Theodore Dugger, age 45, born St. Jacobs, Madison County, Illinois, previously married and divorced, father Alonzo Dugger, mother’s maiden name Hannah Miller and
Mayme Dugger, age 38, residence Billings Montana, born St. Joseph, Buchanan County, previously married and divorced, father Edward Whitehead, mother’s maiden name Mary Green
In the presence of Violet M. Bowen and Nellie M. Whitehead

1930 US Census
6607 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Head W. Theodore Dugger, age 55, born Illinois, manager, store
Wife Mayme L. Dugger, age 47, born Missouri
Daughter Doris M. Dugger, age 4 years 10 months, born California

Idaho Death Records
Place of Death Rexburg, Madison County [Yellowhead Highway 2.5 miles north of Rexburg]
Mayme W. Dugger, born April 12 1881, Saint Joseph, Missouri
Husband Theodore Dugger
Father Joseph [should be Edward] Whitehead, born England
Mother’s maiden name Mary Green [should it be Burr?], born England
Informant Theodore Dugger 2093 Silver Oak Terrace, Los Angeles
Automobile Accident
Mayme L. Whitehead Dugger
Birth 12 Apr 1881, Missouri, USA
Death 19 Jul 1934 (aged 53), Rexburg, Madison County, Idaho, USA
Burial Forest Lawn Memorial Park
Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Plot Sunrise Slope, Map 1, Lot 1117, Space 3
Memorial ID 11838020
[Died as a result of the same car accident as her daughter]

Los Angeles Times, July 24, 1934
Dugger Double Rites Conducted
Double funeral rites for Mrs, Mayme Dugger, 53 years of age, wife of Theodore Dugger, manager of Sllverwood's Wilshlre store, and their 10-year-old daughter, Doris Mae, who were killed in an automo-bile accident near Roxbury, Idaho, last Thursday, were conducted yesterday at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
Interment also was in Forest Lawn. The two were killed when the car in which they were riding slipped into a pit by the side of the road. A third passenger, Mrs. Bianche Connolly of Pomona, suffered fatal injuries and died Sunday.
Notes for William Theodore (Spouse 1)
WWI Draft Registration, Montana
William Theodore Dugger
342 Clarle Avenue, Billings, Montana
Age 44, born June 23 1874
Merchant Bowen Clothing Co.
Nearest relative Mayme Dugger, same address

1940 US Census
Edgemont Manor Apartments, Edgemont, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
Head William Dugger, age 65, widower, age 65, born Illinois, same place in 1935, salesman, retail clothing
William Theodore Dugger
Birth 23 Jun 1874, Illinois, USA
Death 14 Oct 1941 (aged 67), Los Angeles County, California, USA,
Burial Forest Lawn Memorial Park
Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Plot Sunrise Slope, Map 1, Lot 1117, Space 1
Memorial ID 85382621
Last Modified 7 Feb 2024Created 20 Jan 2025 using Reunion 14 for Macintosh
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