Family Tree Chart

Debbie's Family Tree Charts

Debbie's Pedigree - 10 generations

Debbie's Direct Ancestors Descendant Charts

Paternal Side

Maternal Side
Kim's Family Tree Charts
Kim's Pedigree - 10 generations

Kim's Direct Ancestors Descendant Charts

Paternal Grandfather's Side

Paternal Grandmother's Side
Maternal Grandfather's Side

Maternal Grandmother's Side

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How to Read These Charts
For those who are new to reading charts.

  • These charts are best viewed on a computer screen or tablet.
  • Descendant charts are read right to left with the start person on the right and following generations as you move to the left (ie. children, grandchildren and so on.)
  • Pedigree charts are read left to right with the start person being Debbie or myself.
  • The dates in parenthesis are birth and death years. The ~ symbol reads about that year.
  • Green lines indicate a second or third marriage.
  • Dashed lines indicate not married.
  • The relationships if indicated (eg. 2C1R - 2nd cousin 1 generation removed) are to me.
  • Living persons, other than myself or Debbie, are not shown.
Updated April 1, 2023
130 boxes

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Kim Simmonds' Family Genealogy