Debbie Simmonds' DNA Results
Ancestry DNA Test
Debbie's Ancestry DNA ethnicity results were, at first, a shocker. We expected her ethnicity estimate to be England and Germany. 3 of her 4 grandparents were born in England and the other was born in the United States but of German origin. It would appear, however, since her English roots are from Northern England and with some links to Scotland her Scottish estimate may seem more likely. Perhaps her German roots show up in the Northwestern Europe category.
When comparing her results to others who took the test, she shared 45% to 52% with her sister, 50% with one of our daughters and 31% with a grandson. I was thought this last comparison should be closer to 25%. However, when my results are factored in, it makes sense. I share 19% of my DNA with him for a total of 50%. As mentioned in the comments on my page, Debbie discovered some first cousins new to her.
When Ancestry came out with the DNA by parent, it was extremely easy to determine which side was her mother's as 5 of the closest matches were related to her mother. When checking Debbie's father's side, at least 2 of the closer matches were definitely from that side. As of March 15, Debbie had 8863 matches on her mother's side, 8016 on her father's side, 3 from both sides, including our grandson who only shows up on my mother's side and 2490 unassigned.
KIm's DNA Results
Debbie's Latest Result

All information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research.
Any commercial use is prohibited.
Kim Simmonds' Family Genealogy